Are you curious about the most popular winter items and trends on Coupang? Look no further! Coupang Marketplace sees recurring seasonal product trends across our 21 million customers shopping for their everyday needs, and spring is no exception.
Spring in South Korea can start as early as mid-March but usually lasts from April to May and is considered the best time to visit the country. This period mostly consists of pleasant, warm weather, with flowers and green spaces blanketing the whole landscape. Because of the clear, warm weather, most festivals in South Korea are also held during springtime. The standout event of the season, however, is the blooming of the cherry blossom trees. In fact, March to April is also commonly referred to as Cherry Blossom Season (Cherry Blossoms in Korea – Where and when to see [2024] (
Trending products and keywords across Coupang are consistent with the start of cherry blossom season and the slow increase in temperatures. During the months of March, April, and May, popular search trends include preparing to stay cool during warmer months, spring fashion, travel, outdoor activities, and spring festivals. Closer to the end of May, we also see themes relating to the upcoming summer season and prepping for vacation and travel. There are also a couple of family-oriented holidays that remain a focus during May, which is also known as “Family Month” in South Korea. These holidays include Mother’s Day, Parents’ Day, Coming-Of-Age Day, and Children’s Day. Hashtags, including #CherryBlossomFestival, #Picnic, #Outing, #Travel, #FamilyMonth, and #Festival, increase in usage during the spring, giving an indication of what Korean consumers are focusing on shopping for (Data Source: Google Trends).

Trending keywords by category include:
- Sunglasses
- Bucket hat
- Summer cardigan
- Summer dress
- Eco bag
- Linen dress
- Women’s shorts
- Sandals
- Sunscreen
- Body mist
- Sun stick
Consumer Electronics/ Digital
- Air cleaner
- Air conditioner
- Dehumidifier
- Washing machine
- Dryer
- Ice maker
- Electric fan
- Wireless fan
Sports/ Leisure
- Windbreaker
- Golf wear
- Swimsuit
- Tent
- Waterproof pack
- Icebox
- Hiking bag
Cherry Blossom Season:
During the months of Marcha and April, themes about the cherry blossom festival, going for outings , and having picnics by the river are popular among consumers. Shopping events and promotions around the season often focus on outdoor gear and sports & leisure products. Product categories often highlighted in these promotional events include:
Travel essentials
- Travel goods
Sports and Leisure
- Camping gear
- Hiking gear
- Sweatsuits
- Picnic blanket
- Picnic basket
Food and Beverage
- Barbeque
- Meal Kit
- Snacks
- Beverages
- Finger food
- Ready-made meals
The cherry blossom season also brings a change in trending search terms and topics. Some of the most popular Google search terms cover keywords such as “Preparing for Family Month”, “Chery Blossom Festival”, “Outing”, “Camping”, “Wedding”, “Moving”, and “furnishing for Neewly-Weds” (Data Source: Google Trends) trend during this time.
Family Month:
Throughout May, themes reflecting on Family Month and the start of summer are pervasive. Family Month consists of days celebrating children, parents, teachers, and coming of age. It is a popular period for gifting. Product categories often highlighted in shopping promotions during this period include:
- Outdoor toys
- Water toys
- Board games
- Blocks
- Legos
Consumer Electronics
- Smart devices
- Tablet
- PCs
- Bluetooth earphones
- Smartwatches
- Gaming devices
Sports and Leisure
- Scooters
- In-line skates
- Bicycles
- Cosmetic gift sets
- Perfumes (branded and niche)
Life/ Health
- Health functional food

For more information on seasonal product trends, make sure to check out our other articles highlighting the popular products and categories in Korea during the Winter, Summer, and Monsoon seasons.