Product details are important of the product listing for your Coupang customer. While your main image and search terms are a great hook, product descriptions will help seal the deal by allowing your customer to understand its value in more depth. The product details should contain images and some text relevant to your item and facts that are important for its particular product category. We recommend you also include information about shipping and return policy in your details. For more information on the type of information relevant to your category, download the handbook below!
Tips on Product Details

How should I enter Product Details?

Be sure to include key information about categories by product group and notify your customers that your products will be overseas products to both inform customers of the customs process and prevent sales decline due to lack of information. For more details about category-specific information, take a look at the Product Detail Guide linked below.
Do not include irrelevant information like the following in product details:
- Name of seller/business
- Email address
- Website URL
- Seller/business information
- Information about other products you are selling
- Advertising phrases such as discounts or free shipping
Product Details Handbook
Product Details Handbook
Need help finding a translator for your product details? Refer to our Service Network Provider for a list of our recommended agencies.