Signing up to Coupang Marketplace is a breeze – trust us. Even if it is your first time registering with our marketplace, we guarantee you will find it simple and straightforward. Before we tell you what you need, here is what we DO NOT require.

Let’s go through this register process step by step!
Step 1: Firstly, enter your information: full name, business details, and email address. Then, click ‘Sign up’

Step 2: Secondly, once you click ‘Sign up’, there will be a pop-up screen inquiring you to enter a verification code which is sent to your email.
*Please kindly check your spam if the code do not arrive at the top of your inbox.

Step 3: Thirdly, before moving forward, please kindly answers a few questions which will help us improve your experience with Coupang. Then, click ‘Submit’.

Step 4: Fourthly, once you finish our short survey, click ‘Apply to become a seller’.

Step 5: Fifthly, before you proceed with the application, please kindly make sure to have those following documents ready to in order to proceed to the next stage of the application process:
- Business license of the country of the business entity;
- Passport or government-issued ID;
- Bank account or Statement;
- Documented proof of business ownership.

Step 6: And finally, you will be landed to the Program Setup page. Starting from entering your login details, proceeding with your program setup from business details, contact details, billing details to upload documents. Once you complete this process, your application will be under reviewed, and you will be received an email regarding the result.

Download our Handbook
Want a more detailed explanation about signing up to Coupang? Here are handbooks for each region for your reference! If you are still unsure, please kindly reach out to us at