So you finished listing your product with a fabulous product image, category and you ensured it was searchable. Congratulations, you’ve received your first Coupang order – one of many more to come! Now what?

1. When you receive an order, you will see your order shown as “Payment Completed” on the main page of your WING portal. Click this to begin processing.

2.Select your order and then click ‘Order Confirmation Processing’.

3.This screen should pop up. Please select “Global” if you are using DHL or other carriers supported by WING or 한국 (Korea) if you know the last mile carrier and the waybill of your order. Finally, click “Save“. If you choose, multiple orders, you have the option to download the whole list by clicking “Download“.

4.When you refresh the page,
you will see that the order has
now progressed from “Payment
Complete” to “Processing“. Select
your order and click “Add

5.Enter the invoice number (ie. Waybill number) and then click “Register“.

6.Once you successfully enter the invoice number, click “Apply Waybill“. When this is completed, the order will progress to “Shipped” status. The information will then be updated by the courier once the shipment enters Korea.
In order to keep wowing your Coupang customer and to maintain a high seller score, please ensure you complete these steps swiftly and within the lead to shipment time you entered when listing your product.